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Please follow the link below for a full list of Green Party platforms.


As a community organizer, I have witnessed, first hand, the serious issues our state is facing. My belief is that the path to progress, and to solving our most pressing issues, requires innovation, and creativity. We must evaluate the policies we currently use to determine how they can be improved; or if they should be replaced. Our citizens must be aware of developments that will impact them, and their communities. Below, I have listed my views and actions regarding the issues affecting our state.


Campaign Finance

Unlimited money in campaigns has proven to influence our political system to the people's disadvantage. Things have to change and this is a good start. I strongly support a repeal of Citizens United. The amount of wealth that individuals or corporations have should not determine their political influence. 



Education is at the core of all of our most prevelent issues. I believe the most realistic path to strengthening our public education institutions is to adopt the community school model, for our already existing public schools, to increase funding, and to re-open select vacant public schools as community schools. This would provide respite for many parents, and would provide an outlet for youth and a safe place for them to positively engage with other youth.  


Single Payer Healthcare: Healthcare as a Human Right

Healthcare is not an option. Most often, people have little choice regarding the status of their health. I cannot support a system that is profiting off of people's suffering. In a for-profit healthcare system, keeping people ill is incentivized. We need to create incentives for wellness. This is only possible with a single payer healthcare system. 


Tuition Free University Education, WITHOUT tax increases

I support free continued education as a way to ensure a strong and growing workforce. There are taxes and programs currently in place that could be used for this purpose, that are intended for education, and are misappropriated. My support of a new tax would depend on how funding from other sources could be obtained first, with a new tax, as a last option. I do support the concept of tuition free universities, however, the funding for this does not necessarily mean that we have to create new taxes. I believe that ensuring that every American has a decent and extended education is an issue of national preservation. This kind of program can ensure that we are able to fill high demand professions that have seen a recent decling in qualified candidates, such as doctors and engineers by making the schooling required affordable to everyone.


Privacy of Our Citizens

I support a repeal of  the Patriot Act, which was passed in haste during an emotional time in our nation. Our elected officials took advantage of this tumultuous period to inflict damaging restrictions on freedom and privacy, that ultimately had little to no effect toward their expressed goal. It has been used to inflict oppression on minorities, and as a method of controlling law-abiding U.S. citizens. This Act, along with the USA Freedom Act should be completely repealed. 

Any thing that limits our freedoms should be questioned. To recklessly pass laws that benefit a few and hurt the majority should be considered with harsh scrutiny.


Diplomacy before War

It is my opinion that we, as a nation, should engage in drastically fewer military operations. Diplomacy should always be our answer. We, as a nation, have a history of engaging militarily first, without exhausting all possible diplomacy. Too often, we allow our financial interests to supersede our humanitarian interests. We should do everything we can to keep peace and examine instances in which we may be 

responsible for ill intent against our nation.


I have spent the last 6 years dedicated to the development of a healthy and sustainable St. Louis.

As Missouri Senator, I would dedicate myself to the success of the our state with the same passion, and commitment.

I hope I have your vote on November 8, 2016!   



The Committee to Elect Johnathan McFarland


3410A Virginia Ave.

St. Louis, MO 63118


Tel: (314) 472-5986

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